Friday, August 18, 2006

Yesterday, I had a knock on my door.Actually it was the dogs that set off the alarm.Barking, jumping,you know how it is when you have dogs.
So I ran up stairs, and guess who it was? It was the nortorious bikers Frank, and Nannan. I don't know how they ever mad it over Old Sam Burills hill , but they did.
They came over to see our camper. I really wish I had of taken pictures before D started working on it. Because when D first brought it home(as a surpirse), all I could think of was OMG, you have got to be kidding.Then it was get me a can of gas, and a match!!!!!!! It was ughly, dirty, and smelled real bad. But now he's put pine on the walls, painted, and fixed things up. Its really starting to look nice. I wanted to make new curtains,and cushion covers but D said to wait till next year.....So I washed them!!!!! Now I've got to go get matieral,and make new curtains....When they came out of the washer, they were nothing but threads.(hehehehehehe)!!!! So I got to have a chat with Nannan, which was nice, I always enjoy there company, just wish we got to do it more. Well thats all for now. Have a wonderfull day..... Posted by Picasa


Blogger NanNan said...

You're so right-- it looks incredible-- Dan's doing a fantastic job, pine walls, new ceiling, bright and light--- Can we hire him to rehaul Shamrock-- I always get stuck with orange shag rugs!!!!

1:08 p.m.  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Well, looks like that Biker Gang shows up everywhere..hehehehe. I used to love camping with the kids when I was younger, but now I'm afraid I'd miss my TV and Computer too much! Couch Potato is my name, Couch Potato is my game! Hahahahaha. But you have fun and take care. Your friend Marsha

2:31 p.m.  
Blogger Gillian said...

okay, so when do I get to write a post about the mystery bikers showing up at my house??? LOL! I mean if everyone else gets a turn? You should be fair nan!!

I love camping... and the more you talk about it the more I wish I was camping now...

Actually my best bud up here was talking about going up river by boat... maybe they would let me tag along...


10:02 p.m.  
Blogger Fireguy said...

The bikers are hooked on biking - good for them! And I'm sure you will enjoy your camper.
Thanks for the update.

11:02 p.m.  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

I wish oyu had taken pictures too, too bad when Pat an I finally get down there it is going to be winter time, ifit was summer we could use the camper...
I am glad you had a could visit..
Love oyu lots,

12:21 p.m.  

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