Thursday, September 21, 2006


On Sept 19th after spending a 12 hour day at work,we were finally home.But as soon as I got out of the truck...I knew something was very wrong.
The welcome we always hear long before we get to the door was missing.You see as soon as Use, heard the truck come in the yard she would start barking. A excited bark, and when you opened the door she was all over me.
Well on Tues night there was no welcome. When we got in the house, my baby was sick. She had been vomiting and lying in it...She tried her best to get to me,but she just couldn't ....I got one of her wash rags and washed her up the best I could. She just kept looking at me with those big brown eyes, I felt so helpless!!!
I took a pice of gravol, and crushed it,mixed it with water and gave it to her.I held her in my arms, and kept telling her how much I loved her. After about a half hour I put her in our chair to go to the bathroom. Under the crack of the door I could see she was laying out there just like always , waiting for me to come out...She seemed to pick up alittle. She even came out to the kitchen , and watched me make lunches,just like always...
I told D I was going to sleep on the couch,incase she needed me.He said we'd see what she was like in the morning, and if she was no better,we'd take her to the vet.
At 5pm. I woke up D was standing over me ...Hon she's gone!!!!! I couldn't breath!!! NO please D No , she's Ok Please tell me she OK...It was like a very bad dream...Oh God my heart broke into a million pieces.
D wraped her in her towel, but her in a box and took her out. When B came in to get ready to go to work, D told him. This big young man came over and put his arms gently around me, and said Mom I'm so sorry... But Mom she had a good long life, and she loved you, it will be alright...
D told me to stay home,but I didn't want to be alone.So I went to work.D had stopped a his sister's and asked if B would please barrie her, under the apple tree, in our back yard. And bless his heart he did.
By the time we got home last night it was late,so I didn't go down to her grave until tonight. D had come home from work early because he wasn't feeling the best..He told our friend next door,what had happened. His sister in-law is home from Halifax, and everytime she comes down, she comes over and brings Use a treat.So she took them and barried them on her grave. She also made a cross with her name ,,,,,, I must have the most wonderful friends in the world....

So my Dear wonderful Friend I say Good-Bye

Useless 1995-2006


Blogger Fireguy said...

The loss of a beloved pet hurts. They are part of the family. She was lucky to have such a loving "mom" and family.
My thoughts are with you - am sorry.
Love - Jim

12:45 p.m.  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

Hey Mom..Ihope you are feeling a bit better, It was so nice of Uncle B to burry her for you guys...
It is going to be so strange when we come home next year for Christmas and she isn't going to run and hide underneath the couch from me dreading the bath that I always gave her which once I actually got her in the tub for she always stood still for, then came her favorite part, the hairdryer adn then the brushing...
I think her hiding underneath the couch was just for show...
Anywya..Love you Lots.

2:40 p.m.  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

I am so so sorry for your loss! I remember staying up allnight with a kitten..I know the heartbreak. You will surely miss her. At least she had a good life, and knew whe was well loved.
My thoughts are with you...please..take care
Love, Marsha

6:23 p.m.  
Blogger NanNan said...

So sorry to hear about your dog, I know how much you loved her, and how painful it is to lose that little companion- and bundle of pure love--- She couldn't have been loved any better---- nice picture-- close to your heart and gazing up lovingly at you--- sad--

11:50 a.m.  
Blogger Funnyface said...

Thank you everyone.She was a big part of my life for a long time.

And it never mattered to her, if I messed up.And she always seemed to know just when to give me one of her kisses.Her love for me was unconditional,as mine was for her....

2:30 p.m.  
Blogger mikki said...

I'm so sorry you lost your little fur-baby. Wish they could live as long as we do, so we never have to say good-bye. That unconditional love is just the best, and we sure do miss it once we've been spoiled by a little fur-baby like Use. Hope you're taking care of yourself, and that you feel better soon.

1:40 a.m.  

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