Sunday, September 10, 2006

Stupid Things!!!!!

Have you every wanted to ask someone this question? Over the years I have heard some pretty stupid things.These are afew of the things I've been told
  1. I went to the hospital for gallstones...The doctor beat me on the back until I coughed them up!!!!!.Now I wish they had of done that to me... Would of saved me from going through surgery, to remove my gallblader!!!
  2. I had another person tell me, they went to the doctors because they weren't feeling well.The doctor told them they had pneumonia in there head!!!! Now I may not be very smart, but I always thought your lungs were in your chest.. not your head...But maybe I'm wrong.
  3. I had a women tell me when she had her breast reduction done,she ended up with a 5lb.blood clot in her breast!!! I think not...
  4. I had another person tell me that they couldn't give her blood test, because her blood was so thick,they couldn't get it to go up into the needle!!!! Funny when she cut herself at work she bleed like a stuck pig.
  5. I had a person tell me they had to use a wheel chair to get around in.Reason being are you ready for this.... Her back would snap if she moved the wrong way!!!!!! Seen this same person shopping at Wal-Mart the first day it opened. And believe me she was moving.And she was not in a wheel chair!!!!!

That was just afew things I've heard over the years.. I know I'm not smart ..So I will let you be the judge... Hope your all haveing a wonderful weekend!!!!


Blogger NanNan said...

I've heard a few doozies in my lifetime too--- takes all kinds---

4:29 p.m.  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

oh mom that was funny thank you for sharing..
Lots of Love

6:54 p.m.  
Blogger Fireguy said...

Funny...thanks for the laugh!

9:00 p.m.  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Hahahahaha...Very funny...Gads. The woman with pneumonia in her head - The Doctor probably told her 'it was all in her head'. Hahaha. I've heard a few goodies all my years in the Bank...wish I could remember them.
Great post!!

5:42 a.m.  

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